Sunday, May 18, 2014

Keeping it to Myself

She is there in the crowd, talking to probably everybody she can possibly talk to. Smiling, laughing, shining. Ugh, shining? How corny. But it is true. I have always been fascinated with people like her. How they are able to smile, laugh, and speak out almost anywhere as if it is their home with people they have always known.
A lot of people are talking to her, perhaps wishing her a happy belated birthday, or asking how her day was yesterday and if she had celebrated it.
Right then, she turns to me and smiles.

"Hello," I murmur with a faint smile.

I knew it was her birthday yesterday, and I could have wished her, but I had held myself back. I can still wish her a belated one now. I have to admit, I am really good with remembering people's birthdays, even the birthdays of people I am not very close to. And yet, in a span of a year, the number of people I find myself wishing a happy birthday -- not just in my head but actually saying/typing it to them -- is starkly reduced in comparison to the the birthdays I actually know. The reason I avoid wishing people is obviously because of the personal policy I follow. When I wish someone, it usually and probably will not really make a difference in their lives. And that is a very selfish thought, I know. But then, it is the thought that really counts, right? So my personal policy is to remember their birthdays in my mind, wish for their happiness, and move on.

"Happy Belated Birthday!" I courageously spit out but meaning every single word that did come out.

"Thanks," she smiles sweetly and walks away. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Best Strategy in the World

Just stay at home and rot, and people will leave you alone, eventually forgetting your existence. It is beautiful to not be seen by other people. Hallelujah!

Except, society doesn't function that way.
Why can't we be hunter-gatherers again so that we don't have to go to college and be seen by people. Then one can just live by oneself alone in a forest, hunting and gathering food for survival. Too bad such a thing is impossible at this age.

In the end, you just end up being that quiet or weird person who doesn't talk to people; and if people try to talk to you, you scare them away by being mean to them. Not because you don't like them, but because you're scared of them yourself. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Provence Over Paris, Anyone?

Yes, miss. Provence over Paris for me.

Paris has more variety; it has the Mona Lisa, Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe, fashionable clothing, better public transport, and other things I cannot think of. But Provence has better people, better smell, better air, and better others. Thank you.

Photo Credit: Sister

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mono Us

"How are you? Don't say that you're fine. It's such a boring answer that everyone gives."
"Then why don't you come up with an uncommon and exciting question if you don't want a common and boring answer?"

This is the norm of human life. We don't make the extra effort to approach life in a new perspective, and yet we complain of the unexciting and monotonous complexities of life.

But once in a while someone does, and is rewarded with... at least, perhaps, an exciting life?